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Colorado Springs Imperial Coronation
November 14, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm

UCPPE Coronation 45 “The Revival, Under the Big Top”
Please join us downtown Colorado Springs for Coronation 45.
Host hotel The Mining Exchange has room blocks starting at $129.
For reservations please see the link on our website www.ucppe.org
Coronation will take place at the Gold Room, and Victory brunch will take place at the Springs Orleans.
Hospitality will be open all weekend with complimentary food and drinks.
November 12, 2020 In Town Show / Club Q
November 13, 2020 Out of town and Bus Tour / Gold Room
November 14, 2020 Coronation 45 / Gold Room
November 15, 2020 Victory Brunch / Victory Shot Party
In Town Show: Free $5-10 Dinner Optional
Bus Tour $30*
Coronation $80* / $55 no dinner
Absentee Ticket $50 / show love in your absence
Victory Brunch $30*
Victory Shot Party Free
Early Bird until Oct 12th, 2020 $125 includes * items.
Protocol can be emailed no later than 11/13/2020 to vicepresident@ucppe.org
Businesses and Organizations, In and Out of Realm Protocol will be accepted in the Hospitality Suite from 10:00am—1:00pm.
Protocol should be typed on 8 ½ x 11 paper in size 14 font.
Coronation Program Ads
We invite everyone to place an ad in our Coronation 44 Program. The deadline for placing an ad is Saturday, October 11, 2020.
All ads should be camera-ready art, digital format. Leave a 1/4” border around each of the four edges of a full 8 1/2” x 11” page. Ensure ad is in either .jpg, .doc, .pub or pdf format.
Please send payment with Ad. Court checks, money orders, credit cards or cashier’s checks accepted. Remit in United States Currency.
Checks should be made out to:
The United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire
Include Ad payment to:
Attn: UCPPE Coronation Ad
P.O. Box 6925
Colorado Springs, CO 80934
All Ads are full color
Full Page $120
Half Page $80
Ads will not be printed until payment has been received