Empress Nicole the Great,
Queen Mother I of the Americas
U.S.A. Canada Mexico
Forescore and 12 years ago….yes 12 years ago, I and 30 San Diegans along with Nobles from across Canada, Mexico and the United States gathered in this the beautiful city of Seattle, in the great State of Washington, to witness our beloved founder, Empress I Jose, crown me the Queen Mother of the Americas.
Today has been a very emotional one for me, as with many of you, I miss Jose very much. Jose was a proud World War II Veteran: would the Veterans and active military who are with us tonght please stand so we can acknowledge your outstanding service to our great Nations.
54 years ago, a royal seed was planted in San Francisco, that grew into a noble oak tree, with branches in the three great nations of Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico that now extends into 70 cities. We are proud that Canada is one of these great nations and indeed is the greatest when it comes to recognizing and protecting the civil rights of all its people. This year, the great nation of Canada will be observing the 50th anniversary of the signing of the first homosexual civil rights legislation in North America. We salute and remember Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and commend his son Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Indeed we say to you all, our Canadian Nobles, you honor us with your presence.
You….We….the International Imperial Court System has indeed accomplished a proud, productive record these last years! Organizing and leading the very successful campaigns that resulted in the first postage stamp in honor of a gay Civil Rights leader, Harvey Milk and the first naval ship, the USNS Harvey Milk, that will be built and dedicated in San Diego. You….Together….We did this.
We established the first Canadian Royal Medals, one honoring the First Empress of All Canada, Mr. ted northe. We have contributed thousands of dollars to Eagale, Canada.
Together, we have raised in the last 12 years, over $235,000.00 for the Matthew Shepard Foundation and the Erase the Hate Campaign.
Within hours of my crowning, we established the first non-discriminating policy for our court system and a zero-tolerance on Court Chapters financial mismanagement or embezzlements.
We have honored Canadian members of Parliament. Our court system has been present at Marches on Washington/White House and Creating Change Conferences. We have honored heroes from Lady Gaga to U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin. We the Courts of Canada and the U.S.A. have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit the poor, the GLBT, and AIDS communities in Mexico. And recently, donated over $10,000 to help the 100 GLBT refugees fleeing from their countries in Latin America, encamped at our borders. The list is endless of our accomplishments!
These last 12 years my leadership has, at times, been controversial. And yes, at times, I have faltered and disappointed many of you. I am not perfect and hopefully God is not through with me yet.
I once again, extend my hand in friendship and peace to those I have offended. It is not easy being in this position as the titular leader of our International Imperial Court System. As I have said, “You can tell the gay pioneers and leaders by the arrows in their backs.”
These are indeed challenging times for our GLBT community. We are indeed a global community with No Borders.
And now, more than ever, we must rise up and recognize that our Transgender Brothers and Sisters are under attack. We must….we will, make this attempt to “erase” them one of our top priorities.
Thus, on this day, I officially proclaim 2019 as the Year of Trans Empowerment, Visibility & Awareness in All Realms of the International Imperial Court System.
I also proclaim, that in 2019, the International Imperial Court System will recognize and honor at each coronation the 1st Nations and Native Americans whose lands we took.
I also, on this day, proclaim that my successors and Heirs will be obligated and must attend four Canadian Coronations a year.
And though I cannot proclaim it, it is my wish that a Canadian and also a woman Monarch be Crowned King Father or Queen Mother within the next 3 reigns.
I, on this day, also officially proclaim that the Eagle, the Imperial Double Eagle, will be the permant symbol of all King Fathers and Queen Mothers in honor of our beloved founder and the Mother and founding Court of US ALL: Absolute Empress I Jose of San Francisco.
On this day, I futher officially proclaim and with the vote of the International Imperial Court Council, that all future King Father/Queen Mothers will have a term limit of 3-5 years.
I further proclaim, that every two years, our court system will gather together for an International Courts Conference.
And let it be known to All Nobles, that in honor and in celebration, next year, 2020 the 55th Anniversary of our court system, a history book will be published and distributed by the International Imperial Court Council.
And futher more, in a salute to our court chapters and in recognition of our growing GLBT Youth and Queer Membership, on next years 55th Anniversary, I as the founder of the international Jose Julio Sarria Scholarship Program I will be calling upon the Council to grant $55,000.00 in matching grants to ALL courts who have Student Scholarship Programs with a respective amount going to our 10 Canadian Courts.
As many of you know, I started this, my 12th Anniversary day at 5:30 am with a visit to the 87 year old Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, with Emperor Leandro of San Francisco and Crown Princess of the Americas Bette Pages of Denver, where we fed the homeless and thus reminded me that I am but a servant to the crown the people.
In closing, it has been my most sincere honor and privilege to reign these last 12 years. For this old Mexican queen to Reign as your Queen Mother.
You are indeed my family. God has blessed me to be the recipient of one of the greatest gifts that our International Imperial Court System bestows on each and everyone of us: Friendships that are made for life….
As my health, as many of you know, is and will continue to be failing and my head becomes more like a bobble head doll, be assured that I will do my duty and promise to you all, that I will assess my abilities seriously each month.
Now I say to you all:
“Do Not Walk Behind Me….
Do Not Walk in Front of Me….
Let Us All Walk Side By Side and Continue Our Decades of Noble Deeds.”
God Bless Jose
God Bless You All !!!!!
P.O. Box 33915
San Diego, Ca 92163
twitter NMRSD2
email nicolemrsd1@gmail.com